1. Exchange rate conversion interface.
1.1.1 Request parameters
1.1.2 Request method:Form post method to submit order parameter information.
1.1.3 Request URL:Get it from My Profile.
Parameter Name | Description | Requires |
String(5-50), Your login email account. | Yes | |
from | String(3), Currency code. | Yes |
to | String(3), Currency code. | Yes |
signature | String(10-255), Digital encryption signature. | Yes |
1.2.1 Response JSON.
1.2.2 {"code":"00","message":"Query success.","data":{"from":"USD","to":"EUR","exchangeRate":"0.946677"}}
Parameter Name | Description | Requires |
code | String(2-10) | Yes |
message | String(1-255) | Yes |
data | String(1-100) | Yes |
from | String(0-3) | Yes |
to | String(0-3) | Yes |
exchangeRate | String(0-15) | Yes |
2. The signature encryption rule.
You can select the SHA256 or MD5 encryption mode based on your requirements. After logging in to the system, you can change the encryption mode. By default, the SHA256 encryption mode is selected.
Exchange rate conversion: signature=SHA256(email+from+to+key); or signature=MD5(email+from+to+key);
For example: