Select your package

Thank you for choosing our currency exchange rate inquiry service. Our services are designed to provide you with highly sophisticated and personalized currency exchange rate information to help you make accurate decisions in global business. Below are our carefully designed premium service plans:

Custom purchase


0.2 USD/point

Rate updated every 10 minutes

100+ currencies & precious metals

Central Bank rates

MXSL's Proprietary Rate Blender

Time-Frame Queries

Currency Volatility

For internal use



12000 points

Rate updated every 10 minutes

100+ currencies & precious metals

Central Bank rates

MXSL's Proprietary Rate Blender

Time-Frame Queries

Currency Volatility

For internal use

Best Value


20000 points

Rate updated every 10 minutes

100+ currencies & precious metals

Central Bank rates

MXSL's Proprietary Rate Blender

Time-Frame Queries

Currency Volatility

For e-commerce sites



32000 points

Rate updated every 10 minutes

100+ currencies & precious metals

Central Bank rates

MXSL's Proprietary Rate Blender

Time-Frame Queries

Currency Volatility

Multi-currency SaaS APPS